
Access Hidden Regional Themes (Windows 7)

Did you know that windows 7 provides special Aero regional themes ? Well if you did not know, there are hidden themes. You must be wondering why they are hidden.. well that is because Windows want you to feel homely and gives you automatic access to your regional themes, this is done during the windows installation period, during the part that says Regional Settings. In order to access all the regional themes, just follow the simple instructions :

First of all go to the following path:


there you are in the directory with all the regional themes.

You could copy individual wallpapers if you want, or you could just go to the themes folder within each region and double click the thumbnail and voila, it will be set in the desktop personalization window and you have easy access to all the regional themes…

aite then, until next time

Diablodelux is over and out…

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2 thoughts on “Access Hidden Regional Themes (Windows 7)”

  1. Hanxlk says:

    Thanks for the tips.. I shall check them 😉

    1. diablodelux says:

      you”re welcome… and keep checking tutebox for more updates 😀

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