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Functional programming definition and origin

Programming Paradigm A programming paradigm is a paradigmatic style of programming (compare with a methodology, which is a paradigmatic style of doing software …

Design Patterns : Observer Pattern

Definition Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically. …

Design Patterns : Factory Method

Motivation As a class developer, you will ordinarily provide class constructors to let users of your class instantiate it. However, a client that needs an …

Design Patterns : Decorator pattern

Intent Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to sub-classing for extending functionality. …

Design Patterns : Strategy pattern

Motivation There are situations where the classes differ only by their behaviour, and on such situations it is advisable to isolate the algorithms into …

Making a Client Server application (Socket programming) in java

The programming languages become handier when the user can create a link between two pieces of compiled codes operating from two different locations. In this …

Basics of a server side scripting language : PHP (part 2)

Haven’t read part 1 yet? Go to PART 1 else you’re good to continue! In this tutorial we’ll be learning how to echo out an image, much …

Basics of a server-side scripting language : PHP (part 1)

What does PHP stand for? PHP is known as Hypertext Preprocessor these days, but stood as personal home page way back in 1994/95 and 6 (glad it changed to a …

Build a software program like PeterAnswers.com’s app.

Note: Read this tutorial only if you are even a small VB programmer. Want to just download the program? Download! – extract and run setup.exe Happy …